Tips On Being A Good Wingman

In dating, the term "wingman" refers to a friend who joins you in approaching, and flirting with women. The most common situation to use a wingman is when you are interested in a girl, but she is preoccupied with a friend. The job of the wingman is to distract the friend long enough for you to get some one-on-one time with the girl who's got your eye.

Here are some general tips on how to be a good wingman. Take these to heart. Your friend will thank you later:

Never Say 'No'
The best wingman is the friend who will walk into any situation and "take one for the team". Even if this means you wind up talking to a chunky girl who think you're genuinely interested in her, so be it. Some of the legendary wingman stories result in sleeping with a fat friend all so your buddy can do the same with a hottie. Don't feel like you have to go that far, but if you want your buddy to revere you and keep you in high supply of free beer for the rest of your life, that might do the trick.
Build Your Buddy Up
The golden rule of being a wingman is this: never, ever do anything that might portray your buddy in a negative light. As far as you're concerned, he's the nicest guy you've ever known who will never truly find a girl worthy of his generosity. A good approach to take is to act as if he donated a kidney that saved your life. That should keep you in the perfect mind frame to make sure you convey to the girls that he's a great catch.
Know When It's Time To Isolate
If things are going really well between your friend and his girl, it might be time to give them some extra space. Ask tubby-mc-eats-a-lot, or whatever her name is, if she wants to go to the bar with you to get some drinks for the group. While you're at the bar, you can mention something like, "wow, they really hit it off," to see what chunky's reaction is. If she's desperate to get laid, she might cough up some valuable information about her friend. If she mentions something like, "yea, she's on the rebound and is desperate to get laid," you might consider asking chunky to go to another bar with you so your friend has ample space to close-the-deal. On the other hand, if she says something like, "yea, she has a boyfriend, she just likes being a cocktease," it's time to gather your friend up and find another kill.
Be Flexible To The Situation
There are no set-in-stone rules to being a wingman. With that in mind, make sure that you stay creative in relation to the situation. If your buddy is shy, do a lot of the talking to help break the ice. If your buddy is awkward, brag to the girls about how if he'd spend a little less time on his high-paying career he'd be as suave as you. If your buddy is a helpless virgin, tell the girls a funny story that makes him look like a badass. You get the idea. Don't be afraid to mix-it-up, get creative, or even exaggerate a little. What have you got to lose?