Confidence In Dating

It goes without being said that confidence is one of the biggest assets one can possess in the dating game. Most men (and women, for that matter) lack confidence. If the same applies to you, fear not, you are in the majority. However, as much as you hate to hear it, confidence is very important when it comes to attracting women. Gaining more confidence in oneself can be a lifelong process. Unfortunately, there is very little you can do to go from an unconfident schmuck to the hottest piece of ass in the room in a few short minutes. There is one little cheat you can use, but we'll get to that later. For now, let's focus on some of the big-picture steps you'll need to take to add confidence to your life:
Physical Appearance
This is one of the easiest solutions to giving yourself more confidence. If you're a few pounds overweight, or scrawny and weak-looking, it's time to get a gym membership. To truly impress women, it's crucial to be in good physical condition. The only guys I know with flabby, unkept bodies who can attract girls are the guys who are absolute riots to be around. Unless you're that chunky kid off of Superbad, it's time to start taking better care of your body.
I cannot emphasize how much confidence can be derived from taking pride in your body. When you feel good about yourself, women will know it, and they will think the same. Spend five hours per week working out. That's less than 3% of your life. Those hours will pay dividends more than anything else you could be doing with that time.
This is another easy-fix way to add more confidence to your life. If you're still driving Mom's hand-me-down 1994 Honda Accord and are wondering why you never get laid, it might be time to invest in a new car. A lot of you might be thinking, "I can't go dropping $30,000 on some dumb car just to impress girls!" Gentleman, I've got great news for you: girls are stupid when it comes to cars. They are very brand oriented. You could spend $5,000 on a used Porsche with 175,000 miles and you know what your newest date is going to be telling all her friends on girls-night-out? "Oooh, and he drives a Porsche!!" Get a nice looking car that doesn't look like something a 40 year-old woman would drive, keep it clean, and act like it's the shit. Girls won't know the difference.
Some guys lack confidence in knowing that their place is a total dump. This makes them hesitant to talk to girls. After all, what girl would want to come back to such a shitty apartment? However, there's a bigger lesson to be learned here than just taking pride in your home. Chances are, if your apartment is dumpy, a lot of other areas of your life are as well. Take pride in your living-space, and while you're at it, take pride in the other areas of your life that are being neglected as well. If you're too busy to keep your place clean, here's a tip: hire a cleaning lady. They only cost around $20/hour. If your place is small, have them come twice a month. This won't cost you much more than $100/month to have a clean apartment.
Truthfully, beyond the things mentioned above, confidence issues vary from person to person. You could get in shape, buy a new car, clean up your apartment, and still lack the confidence necessary to tackle the dating scene. I know this is cliche, but it's true: you need to look inside yourself to have true confidence. Only when you are 100% comfortable with yourself will you be 100% comfortable approaching women.
And finally, when all else fails, alcohol can do wonders for increasing your short-term confidence. While you're working out some of the bigger issues in your life, don't be afraid to have a few drinks before approaching a girl for a date. There are t-shirts that say: "Beer. Helping Ugly People Get Laid Since 1892". While that's funny, it's also completely true.